Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Phases Continue!!!...Weigh-In Day Tomorrow...

So when I posted back in June I had mentioned things had come to a halt for Cat Proofing. Well they were still thru June, July, and currently, but they are about to start back up's why:

a moving day is coming ...and kitty cat cannot go with he joins me at Casa de Becca lol!

I let my room go because I have steadily been working on getting my expired coupons ("expireds") sent overseas (want to find out more about that? visit my other blog Coupons, Shopping Trips and More blog to see how I do this frugally;).) I just got 2 huge boxes and 2 brown paper bags full of expireds to clip, sort/bag up, and send. So between expireds, make the most of the time I have with him before he may be going to join up, working, Zumba/Yoga/gym, grocery shopping, eating, and just living...I must find time to Cat Proof again.

I did send back and get my refund for the Instant Screen doors. Like I said before...great invention just too big for my doors. They had another type of roll down screen door but I think it would still be too big. I'm thinking of hitting up the home improvement stores to see what I can come up with. I also wanna try to make my own cat furniture. Those ones in the pet's stores are just way, way too much. I think we might pay for convenience for that. I don't might working and getting a lil sweaty to make something that will save me some $$.

So on the "To - Do" List :
  • Continue Cat Proofing
    • clean room
    • look for more VERY inexpensive throw rugs
    • make dressers more accessible
      • fix them to where they slide out/in easily
  • Find ideas for cat furniture
    • Make cat furniture
  • Find ideas for screen door type fixture
    • Make screen door type fixture

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Update..long overdue lol

UPDATE: My friend has not joined up with the military this gives me some more time..but that time is precious with him and with I need to get SUPER motivated and continue with Phases:)

So when I had last left off way back in had just gotten a vaccum. Unfortunately it is still in the box. And you are saying, "Becca! Why is it still in the box?!?!?" My response is..since I bought it have still used our little Kenmore from the Ancient Ages lol. I haven't mastered cleaning much. Here's why:

My friend with the cat took a corporate job so I haev been watching the cat for about 2 almost 3 weeks now. You ask, "How are you doing that and you haven't updated us since the last time?" My response...I cleaned my brother's room and pushed a lot of his stuff to one side so I could move a dresser that I had my craft stuff in into his room. So there is a dresser in the middle of that room. BUT i have been able to push my bed ALL the way against the wall and therefore the cat has PLENTY of room to run around and jump. I have had my ceiling fan on non-stop since I have had him and my 10" x 10" box fan on occasionally. I just seems like it is still to hot in there for me, he must be okay though because I figured he lays in front of the fan when I'm not there LOL. We have been getting along great. He actually helps me sleep better. I usually come home from work and chill with him. Then I hit up my Zumba or Yoga classes and then come back home. We sit together while I watch some T.V. and cut expired coupons for overseas.

So as you can see Cat Proofing has semi come to a halt. I would like to say the temporary screen doors I bought do not work for my room/doors. I will be sending them back. They are just TOO BIG to fit, but I do think that they are a wonderful invention.

I'm looking into maybe getting the cat some "cat" furniture when he returns to my place. Any one have any good ideas? I would be willing to make home made ones;). Just let me know:)


Tuesday, April 5, 2011


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Monday, April 4, 2011

Phase 3...CONGRATS its a Vaccum!...More Cleaning & Trying Out Instant Screen Doors

UPDATE: My friend has not joined up with the military this gives me some more time..but that time is precious with him and with I need to get SUPER motivated and continue with Phases:)

So here we go ...Phase 3...CONGRATS its a Vaccum!...More Cleaning & Trying Out Instant Screen Door.

I FINALLY bought the upright vaccum my friend (thru couponing) recommended. It is the Dirt Devil Breeze. I budgeted for $60 and paid like $49.xx for it and a 3 pack of bags from Target. I am very excited about it. I bought it with my friend Elizabeth and her little boy who will be 1 on May 6, 2011:). We both noticed that the model they had out was bigger than the actual box I purchased. I was a little shaky on that but went ahead anyways.

I also purchase the Instant Screen Doors from Dr. Leonard's catalog. I opened just one to see what it would look like. Needless to say..HUGE covers it lol. I have to move/clean the clutter next to both doorways to see if it will work out. It looks to cover the door but will not for sure it will work. I searched for a savings code and didn't have to pay shipping..I paid like $27.xx for both. I thought it was a great deal. I hope they work out..if not I can return them.

So now that those parts of the title are out of the way...

Things that still need to be done (continued from Phase 1):
  • crafts supplies
  • storage racks
  • school supplies (condensing)
  • under bed (need blocking because I do not want the cat to get under there in case the bed decides it wants to slide off frame)
NEW things that need to be done:
  • fix the dresser I moved into my room so drawers slide open/closed easier
  • clean up the "Mess made by the previous Mess" (lol)
  • organize clothes/under clothes into dressers
Need to purchase:
  • carpet runner or rug (so loose hairs with not get embedded into carpet or litter pieces)
I have looked at several carpet runners and what-nots. Seems like the with rugs my options would be:
  • measure room
    • find area rugs/runners to cover whole carpet
      • -i hate to invest a lot into something that is going to have to be used BUT
      • +will protect orginial carpet
      • Kmart has sales on rugs
        • -a little expenseive though
      • Family Dollar sells rugs
        • +reasonable price
    • find the plastic clear flooring you can put down
      • this may be easier than the area rugs/runners because you can sweep these
      • +easier to clean up spills and what time
      • +cheap but durable
        • FRED's sells it by the foot (or at least used to when i worked there)
        • Family Dollar sells it i think by 6 ft premeasured
So may be during WWE RAW tonight I might get some cleaning or organizing going. May be I'll finally conquer the storage racks & school supplies:)...after gym & sketti:) yum!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Phase 2 The cleaning of the mess that caused a bigger mess...

As you can see it has been a couple of weeks since I last made a post. I have come across a couple of things and have accomplished somethings.

After I got home from my friend's place (the one that owns the cat), this past Saturday morning and sat down on my bed and looked around me. I knew that this "Mess" had to be cleaned up in some sort of way. I started we'll say about 10am. I had to move/shift/box-bag up/throw away/shred papers..and just sort out things. I found that i had proabaly more things that needed to go into the bathroom (ie samples, hair ties, and other things that probably should go in there). I started moving that stuff to the bathroom as I would find it and then organize that stuff. I eventually had to put things in the actual pathway of the bathroom so I accumlated more "bathroom items" that will be sorted/organized once I can get back into the bathroom. Yes you understood me correctly...everything is still in the path of that bathroom and also in the Hall itself, I feel it will be there probably until this Saturday.

I had several bags that I would put items/papers in that I would always say I would go through later. Saturday was "later". I made my decisions and kept things/put them in trash or shred bag.

I also bagged up 2 bags worth of clothes that past on to my dear friend who is basically a sister since we grew up together so close. After having her baby last year it seems as if she can fit into my size clothes. I love this (even though she probably doesn't becaucse that means she is bigger than she used to be) but at least my clothes can go to someone that I know will wear until the get holes in them (like I do) or pass them on/donate.

Some how I only accumulated 2 bags of actual trash. So I guess you can say I'm not trashy but maybe just clutter-y lol. I even had a few things that I tossed into the cardboard stack and recycle bin. If it can be recycled I would rather go with that option ya know?

I have SEVERAL old pair of shoes I wish I could give to someone but the insides are so worn down the arch support would not be good for anyone. I think I actually have a pair that look great from the outside but no so much when you put them on ..on the inside. I am wondering if the rubber or any part of the shoe can be recycled and where would I need to take them? (that will be a goal I guess to figure out what to do with them)

OH OH!!!..The big thing I did accomplish was moving my brother's dresser into my room and putting my T.V. on it. Then moving the cube I had my T.V. on into my brother's room. I was really worried that it wouldn't fit where I needed it to go, but it was fine and I didn't even have to move my other dresser down further. That took a lot...and I mean a lot of work.

I also was washing 2 loads of clothes that day so laundry could be done and I could have clean clothes for the work week to come. Every time I walked from one room to my destination room I would pick up something I needed or that needed to go back to the room when I would go.

A definite thing I am going to invest in is an upright vaccuum. I really do love the little Kenmore vaccuum we have had around for so long, but as I am slowly getting older vaccumming the carpet on my hands and knees is taking a toll. I have a coupon friend who is sending me a coupon for some sort of Bissell that is carried at Lowes. The closest store that carries it possibly is in Irmo. It runs for about $199 regularly but the coupon is for $10 off and I feel it might be worth the investment. (My mom gave our upright to my brother so that was that.) I just know that we need one.

My mom also showed me these portable screen flaps and portable screen doors. I will be willing to purchase 2 of these if they really work so that I could be able to keep my doors open and the cat from roaming the house. I like the way the look and would make it easier on me not to have to actually make something (I wouldn't mind making something either though.) I'm a little less stressed about finding something for that now that I know there are options out there.

So Phase 2 is titled

Friday, February 4, 2011

Phase 1...The Realizing of Mess/Time Frame.

One of my dearest friends came back into my life about this time last year. Next thing I knew, he were gone again (because of trying to work things out in a relationship). I decided to let them be and knew he could always find me again. He did find me again 2 months later and we have talked/shared moments/and done tons of things together.

Well recently he has decided there are things that he needs to do in order to grow in his career and life. I explained to him that I would be in his cheering & support section no matter what his decisions were.

So with that said...I decided I would watch his cat, no matter how long it takes my friend to finish his path. His cat has different characteristics about himself, so much that we believe he thinks he is a human. Being around 3 cats in a previous relationship, it seemed that none of them really loved me or they just didn't know how to show it. But this cat is WAY different. He wants to curl up beside me, go to sleep next to me, talk to me, and other things that I can't even compare him to the other ones.

I still live at home so this is an "if-fy" topic but my decision is firm about it. So instead of accodomating a bathroom to be the cat's living space, I want to use my small living space I call my room his new home as well. I have not really been acustom to keeping/sleeping with my doors closed but the cat will not be allowed to roam freely in the house unfortunately.

As of today...I have 24.5 days to "Cat Proof" my room and my friend move in with a relative (but he can't take his cat with him). (I say .5 because today is half over by the time I will get home .75 LOL...)

So I went a tad out of order but I'm new to the whole blog thing so I will do as I please. LOL

So now come the "Mess" part of the title. My room. There plain and simple...I said it. LOL
I have work on sections of it trying to clean up to put a desktop computer in there some where. I'll just list what needs to be done...or bascially reorganizing:
  • crafts supplies
  • storage racks
  • electronics/tv
  • school supplies (condensing)
  • paperwork (arranging)
  • dresser
  • under bed (need blocking because I do not want the cat to get under there in case the bed decides it wants to slide off frame)
Need to purchase:
  • carpet runner or rug (so loose hairs with not get embedded into carpet or litter pieces)

Things to make:
I want to make a sort of 2 door type screendoor thing to put on both of my doors that lead out into other parts of the house so I can keep my doors open but the cat get out.
It will be like opening a screendoor to another screendoor but having the other one close behind me before I actually go through the 2nd one. I know its confusing but it has to work or something along these lines. (Trust me when I say baby gates will not work for cats..I already tried that when I was nursing a sick cat back to better health.)
The LEFT one would be using the screendoor with hooks to hang together.
The RIGHT one I would have to make hinges with...
(this process can be done later when the cat is living in the bathroom temporarily because I may not have gotten to this step) just need to figure out where to start...
So tonight...(after gym for about 1hr, picking up a desktop from my friend) I will head home and pick:
paperwork &/or school supplies.